Moriya Sangyo K.K. will carefully handle all personal information and respect the privacy of the visitors to Morisan.com.
Moriya Sangyo K.K. does not require the users of Morisan.com to provide personal information (e.g., name and address). Moriya Sangyo K.K. does not charge any fee for use of these services, although the users may still incur telecommunication charges and other applicable fees to their Internet Service Providers for accessing Morisan.com. You must provide Moriya Sangyo K.K. with your personal information (e.g. name, mailing address and valid e-mail address) if you wish to receive information from us via e-mail. You may be asked to provide additional information (e.g. credit card account details) when ordering products or services from our companies. Moriya Sangyo K.K. uses highly secure technology to operate the Morisan.com Website to protect your personal information. Moriya Sangyo K.K. will protect the personal information of children in the same manner we protect the information of our adult members. Moriya Sangyo K.K., its affiliates and business partners will handle your personal information responsibly, and we will use the information to improve our Website and provide better services. When the applicable law requires, or when it is reasonably necessary to us to disclose your personal information, we may do so. Moriya Sangyo K.K. will use the information it obtains only for the purposes provided in paragraph 1. Except as provided below, Moriya Sangyo K.K. will not disclose your personal information: When the authorized official agency (e.g. police) requests the disclosure of personal information held by Moriya Sangyo K.K. or its affiliates; When it is necessary to protect the rights or properties of our employees and customers; or When immediate action is necessary to protect the safety of our employees, customers or the public. If you have any questions or inquiries about our handling of your personal information, please contact us by e-mail at info@morisan.com. It is our goal to improve the way we handle your personal information and to modify our practices and policies whenever doing so is appropriate.